Total of 60M SHIB tokens burned in 12 transactions in the past 24 hours


  • In the past 24 hours, a total of 60,848,839 SHIB tokens were burned, and 12 transactions were recorded.
  • The total burnt tokens from the initial supply stands at 410,380,232,509,165 tokens.
  • The circulating supply of the token and the total supply stand at 559,515,787,872,306 and 589,619,767,490,834, respectively.

In a recent announcement made by ShibBurn, the very first dedicated burn project in the crypto world since June 2011, it was revealed that in the past 24 hours, there had been a total of 60,848,839 SHIB tokens burned and 12 transactions recorded. 

The recent revelation of SHIB tokens burning has taken the count of total tokens burnt from the initial supply to 410,380,232,509,165 with the total supply of 589,619,767,490,834 and the Max Total Supply of 999,991,174,316,117. Well, the circulating supply of the meme token now stands at 559,515,787,872,306, which means that these many tokens are circulating in the market at the time of writing.

Well, people are showing interest in staking the meme coin, too, and earning interest from it. As a result of this, the total SHIB tokens that are staked are 30,103,221,792,310. 

If you are not aware, the burns are calculated with the utilization of three special addresses, two are dead wallets, which have no obtainable keys, and tokens sent to the Genesis address, which is also known as the Black Hole. Transferring the tokens to the Genesis address reduces the supply.

In addition to this, it should be noted that in an hour itself, between 2:30-3:30, there have been a total of 137,308 SHIB tokens burned and 1 transaction recorded.