Hedera introduces open-source project for minting, Mintbardotxyz


  • Hedera released a free minter app.
  • Mintbar.xyz lets you check twice before minting.
  • Mintbar is absolutely free to use.

Mintbar.xyz is a fully accessible Hedera NFT minter designed to aid in the development of the Hedera NFT system, announces Hedera platform. However, there are two categories of people in mind.

Technical: an open-source Hedera NFT minter and image software to save development time. Non-Technical: It is a simple, trustworthy program that allows non-technical users to create new, fully featured NFTs and NFT Collections.

There’s also a testnet version that allows you to double-check everything before minting on the public blockchain. Their objective is to increase Hedera NFT ecosystem adoption, and Mintbar is the first product they’re ready to release.

Since their NFT metadata is already accessible and linked with industry norms, it was time to develop an NFT minting webapp that would allow both technical and non-technical authors to mint NFTs using Hedera’s effective method. 

Mintbar only adds keys and rights that you provide throughout the minting procedure. Customers will have complete control over your NFTs and their collections.

On the laptop, Mintbar enables the Hashpack and Blade wallets, as well as on mobile. They made the decision not to accept the pairing-string approach.

The Hedera Token Service is incredible. It is extremely quick, has extremely cheap transfer fees, has protocol-enforced creator royalties, and does not require smart contracts. While the Hedera ecosystem does accept ERC721 NFTs, their community is currently geared around native HTS tokens, and Mintbar was not designed to support ERC721 NFTs. 

Users can rest assured that each NFT will be quick, green, and cost only a fraction of a penny to send.

Furthermore, because native “HTS” NFTs are priced, customers always know the precise amount in USD, and Mintbar is free to use.

All NFT pictures and metadata documents are kept on IPFS, which makes use of both their own IPFS nodes and the Filecoin network. This guarantees that hosted files are redundant.

Some more functions are available in the repository, like expanding the current NFT supply in the current collection. Creating your own Treasury profile with unique keys for each authorization.