Stripe Now Accepts Fiat Payments for Cryptocurrency and NFTs

  • Stripe has announced that they are now supporting fiat payment for NFTs and cryptocurrencies.
  • They have partnered with several blockchains to launch a crypto business such as FTX US, FTX, Just Mining, Nifty Gateway, etc.
  • Businesses can now use the new application of Stripe to accept fiat payments for cryptocurrency.

Partnering with several blockchains such as Just Mining, FTX, FTX US,, etc, Stripe is to launch a cryptocurrency business suite. Stripe is based in the United States of America and is one of the finest technologies that has recently shown great success in the world of cryptocurrency.

They have now introduced one of their new services that will let the users make payments for digital assets and NFTs through fiat currency. Businesses can now make use of Stripe’s new application programming interfaces in order to accept payments for digital wallets, crypto, etc through fiat.

They also have features like KYC – Know Your Customer and technology to detect any sort of fraudulent activities.

The co-founder of Stripe, John Collison announced on his Twitter on the 10th of March that his firm has joined a partnership with several blockchains like Nifty Gateway, Just Mining, FTX< FTX US,, etc to establish the crypto business suite.

Tristan Yver, the head of strategy of FTX announced that this deal will provide help to promote the form by attracting a wider audience by making it very simple to purchase NFTs.

Not just that but Stripe has also launched an open drop of non-fungible tokens collection known as “Cube Thingies” through Nifty Gateway. The price of these NFTs will be between $242.42 and $424.24 and all the profit from this sale will go to a non-profit healthcare tech organization called Watsi.

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