- Apple restricts its status regarding the NFT ownership policies within its App Store.
- The ownership of NFTs will not be used to unlock any more features in the app.
- Users can buy NFTs only through Apple’s in-app payment system.
Apple recently released their iOS 16.1, iPad OS 16.1, and macOS Ventura updates. The company also cleared its stand on the withstanding NFT purchases and ownership. According to Apple Insider, NFTs can exist within the apps but they cannot be used to unlock new features or functionalities within the app.
As per the guidelines,
Apps may use in-app purchase to sell and sell services related to non-fungible tokens (NFTs), such as minting, listing, and transferring,
The app can allow users to view their NFTs and even explore other NFT collections. But the developers cannot include CTA or action buttons to buy NFTs. The rules prohibit apps from integrating any action button to buy NFTs that will direct users to buy NFTs from other platforms.
Further, the company also restricts apps to allow its users to use QR codes and cryptocurrencies for payments.
Apple said,
Apps may not use their own mechanisms to unlock content or functionality, such as license keys, augmented reality markers, QR codes, cryptocurrencies and cryptocurrency wallets, etc,
Apple wants users to buy NFTs from its own in-app payment method. NFTs that users buy from Apple’s in-app payment system can be used for token-gated utility. However, these services are subject to 30% fees.
The App Store guidelines have clearly laid out what developers can publish or cannot publish in their app on the App Store. Any developer found violating such policies will result in app rejection or removal from the App Store.
Experts were already speculating that Apple will take hefty fees for NFT sales and in-app purchases. This new App Store guideline affirms it.
The news of Apple’s 30% NFT fee disappointed Epic Games CEO and crypto supporter Tim Sweeney. He said,
Apple must be stopped because the move was “crushing another nascent technology that could rival its grotesquely overpriced in-app payment service.