Metamask picks NFTBank to power its NFT Portfolio Tracking


  • NFTBank to power pricing information for 5000+ NFTs by Metamask users.
  • Metamask has chosen NFTBank to tackle complex price issues.
  • Users will see transactions and portfolio value for ERC-20 tokens.

The leading Web3 wallet, Metamask, has now chosen NFTBank to power its pricing information for more than 5000 NFT collections owned by proud Metamask users across the globe.

NFTBank has been trying to tackle this pricing issue for quite some time, actually ever since the initial days of non-fungible tokens, NFTs. The pricing issue to do with individual NFT collections is a complex issue to solve, compute and figure out. Without any algorithm, this wouldn’t at all be possible. 

After years of meticulous work, NFTBank has finally developed an advanced-level Machine Learning-based statistical algorithm that provides specific price estimates for each and every NFT, and that too, with 90+% accuracy. This is why Metamask chose it to be its new ally in solving the pricing issues for NFT collections. 

Also considered a valuation engine in the industry and among fellow professionals, NFTBank is a state-of-the-art NFT portfolio management tool and software that provides critical decisions related to NFT portfolios, further enabling advanced DeFi use cases.

It arrives at a single price value upon using information like floor price, bid/ask distribution, and rarity. It generates pricing information for NFT collections, making them available with APIs and its own app.

NFT Portfolio tracking has never been an easy game for any wallet such as Metamask, Genie, and the like. But Metamask has chosen to make NFTBank take care of that using its new machine learning-based statistical algorithm.