- 2500 people attend NFT. London’s inaugural event.
- Puppies, a “zen den,” and an NFT vending machine were all represented during the ceremony.
- Independent fashionistas attacked the large fashion houses’ web3 initiatives.
Over 2,500 people registered for the two-day opening event in London, and 800 speakers were present. It was a partnership between the California eatery Bored and Hungry and the frozen potato company McCain’s, which just released a Roblox game where kids could farm potatoes in the metaverse.
It wasn’t the only gimmick that garnered attention; it was perhaps one of the weirder web3 collaborations. An NFT vending machine nearby allowed card payments for NFT purchases. There were puppies and a “zen den” upstairs. New metaverse platforms, NFT t-shirt printers, tables covered in QR codes promoting whitelists for upcoming mints—all this and more can be found there.
According to Cameron Bale ( co-founder, and producer of NFT.NYC), After hosting a tiny NFT event there in March 2018, this was our first major event there. The community has responded incredibly well. Only 460 people showed up for our inaugural NFT.NYC in 2019 as a whole.
Compared to the 15,000-person NFT.NYC, which is organized by the same group, the event was considerably smaller. However, it had the cozy environment and absence of the regular conference circuit speakers—many of whom spent that week at WebSummit in Lisbon—that NFT collections appear to be aiming for.
But there were some real treasures. Independent fashionistas attacked the large fashion houses’ web3 initiatives. Robertas Kalinkinas, a fashion designer and the brains behind NFT’s The Rebels line, was unimpressed with Gucci‘s use of metaverse marketing.
He promoted Web3 as a means for designers to get around the restrictions on entering the high fashion industry. He described spending thousands of dollars on fashion show booths and hiring designers for unpaid internships. Web3 might provide users with a more effective and affordable approach to interacting with clients and displaying their collections.
The conference concluded with the announcement of the dates for NFT.NYC 2023 by the NFT.London event organizers. April 12–14 you can see it at Hudson Yards and Times Square. Additionally, NFT. London will make a comeback.
Bale stated, We believe it is still in its early stages, and we’ll be back in 2023.”