- Subway has filed 2 trademark applications.
- Subway has filed trademark applications to enter the metaverse and embrace NFTs.
- Various other food chain brands have also filed metaverse trademark applications.
On May 23, metaverse trademark attorney Mike Kondoudis took to his Twitter to share Subway’s recent move of filing 2 trademark applications.
Subway restaurants has filed 2 trademark applications for
▶️Its stylized S logoThe applications indicate plans for
✅ Virtual foods and drinks
✅ NFT backed media
✅ Virtual restaurants with actual and virtual products#NFTs #Metaverse #Web3 #Fastfood— Mike Kondoudis (@KondoudisLaw) May 23, 2022
The two applications are for- Subway and Its stylized S logo. Through the metaverse trademark, Subway has plans intended towards virtual foods and drinks, NFT backed media and virtual restaurants with real as well as virtual products.
Subway is an American multi-national fast-food restaurant franchise founded in 1965. Popular across the world through its chain of restaurants, it is looking forward to match steps with the revolutionary world by entering the metaverse and the world of non-fungible tokens (NFTs).
Besides Subway, a number of other popular food companies have also taken the steps towards entering into the metaverse.
Recently, reputed brands like McDonald’s, Carl’s Jr., Burger King, Hooters, Panda Express, KFC, Tyson, Taco Bell along with various others have also filed trademark applications, expressing their interest and intentions to enter the metaverse and provide NFTs.
Update about the same was shared by Devour Token through a Twitter post:
#Restaurants are preparing for the #metaverse. One thing they will all need is a bridge to their current #restauranttechnology. @DevourToken and @DevourNFTs are that bridge.
Learn more: #web3 #crypto— Devour Token (@DevourToken) April 1, 2022