Mars Inc. Files Trademark for Snickers NFTS, Digital Tokens  And Crypto Collectibles


  • Mars Inc. and the city of Beverly Hills are the latest names to file trademark applications.
  • Mars has filed a trademark application to enter the metaverse and NFT space.
  • The city of Beverly Hills has filed seven trademark applications to join the metaverse and NFT space.

NFT and metaverse trademark filings have become quite common, and the food business seems to be among the most active industries.

Mars Inc. recently applied for a trademark for “SNICKERS” to enter into metaverse and non-fungible tokens. Trademark attorney Michael Kondoudis announced the news via a tweet.

The application was submitted to the USPTO on June 13. Through the trademark, the brand intends to offer: 

  • NFTs or other digital tokens based on blockchain technology;
  • Virtual products like chocolate, confectionery, frozen confectionery, candy and gum, virtual snacks and drinks;
  • Online retail store services featuring virtual products;
  • Online virtual store environments featuring virtual products, virtual art, and avatars to be used in virtual environments.

Another trademark filed recently is by the City of Beverly Hills. On June 14, seven trademark applications were filed for its iconic name, indicating plans to step into the metaverse and NFTs.

The offerings include:

  • Virtual goods like computer programs featuring clothing, headwear, bags, backpacks, art, toys, and accessories for use online and in online virtual worlds;
  • Non-fungible tokens featuring images, graphics, text, and audio-visual media content;
  • Virtual and digital interactive representations of the City of Beverly Hills or Rodeo Drive for use in virtual experiences augmented reality experiences and the metaverse;
  • Online real & virtual concerts and other virtual events.

The news was shared via Twitter by metaverse trademark attorney Michael Kondoudis.

With cities going towards the virtual world, public events in the metaverse will soon become a reality, changing how we interact, socialize and participate in events.Meanwhile, these two trademark filings direct us toward a recent report that says that NFT trademark applications filed in the United States have surpassed 4,000. Clearly, these two additions to the list of trademark applications show how more & more brands, individuals, and even cities & states have high hopes for the digital technology virtual world, and these numbers will only increase.