Toei Animation, Japan’s leading animation company, has joined The Sandbox! 


  • The Sandbox Game is delighted to announce a collaboration with Toei Animation, a leading Japanese animation studio.
  • They intend to work with Minto Inc. to bring TOEI’s legendary works to life within the metaverse.
  • To commemorate this exclusive partnership, the first 1,000 sign-ups will receive an exclusive NFT.

The Sandbox Game has recently announced a new collaboration with Toei Animation, a well-known Japanese animation producer with prevalent IPs such as “DRAGON BALL,” “SAILORMOON,” as well as “ONE PIECE.” The Sandbox will produce content for its Metaverse using Toei Animation IPs in collaboration with Minto, Inc.

Toei Animation, a Japanese animation pioneer, has formed some of the world’s biggest and most popular animation creations. As revealed, The Sandbox is excited to continue its mission of partnering with Japanese animation production IP brands as a result of this collaboration.

The Sandbox continues to forge alliances with Japanese animation production IP brands with Toei Animation. The Sandbox will give Toei Animation’s worldview via experiences on its LAND.

The concept of a “metaverse” is relatively new. Toei Animation is now ready to set sail on this new adventure. He is ecstatic and proud to be working with The Sandbox and Minto. He is confident that the “FLEET” they have assembled will be capable of exploring new continents as well as routes that will guide the entertainment industry for many years to come. 

Satoshi Shinohara, the Managing Director of “Toei Animation Co., LTD,” expressed his enthusiasm at the prospect of witnessing the adventures and narratives of the different works and original characters created thus far in this expanding field.