West Ham United & Hyundai file trademark applications for Web3


  • West Ham United has filed one trademark application to offer NFTs, virtual clothing and NFTs marketplaces.
  • Hyundai has filed six trademark applications to include its Genesis car model.
  • Hyundai’s trademark applications aim to cover and offer NFTs and virtual goods along with other areas.

West Ham United, the Premier League Football Club and Hyundai, the automotive manufacturer, have filed trademark applications on July 7 for NFT and the metaverse, according to trademark attorney Mike Kondoudis.

West Ham United has filed one trademark that includes cryptocurrencies, cryptocurrency & virtual currency wallets, software for creating NFTs, digital trading cards, NFT marketplaces and software for non-fungible token (NFT) ticketing.

The trademark filing also covers metaverse products like augmented, virtual as well as mixed reality software to be used for allowing mobile devices and computers to provide VR experiences software to allow users to experience AR & VR visualization, immersion, manipulation and virtual reality game software.

Virtual clothing, footwear, sports gear and headwear are included as well.

Hyundai is expanding into Web3 to include its Genesis car model upon filing six trademark applications for its Genesis crest. The trademark applications include metaverse products such as software for extended AR and VR and simulation, virtual reality avatars, virtual clothing, art, toys & cars, interfaces for extended AR and VR and simulation and virtual money brokerage. 

Other areas covered in the trademark applications are NFTs and brokerage of intellectual property rights including NFTs.

Recently, global giants Hyundai & Hormel Foods filed trademark applications to expand in NFTs & metaverse and uilize the future opportunities.