Mars Inc. files trademark applications for Metaverse, NFTs & cryptocurrencies


  • Mars Inc. has filed trademark applications for M&M and DOVE.
  • The company intends to make it big in NFT, metaverse, and cryptocurrency.
  • A few days back, Mars filed trademark applications for Snickers.

Mars Inc., the leading global chocolate manufacturer, has yet again filed for an NFT trademark application for its very famous brand M&M. Just a few days back, Mars Inc. filed a trademark for snickers NFTs, digital tokens, and crypto collectibles.

Trademark attorney Michael Kondoudis disclosed the news in a tweet on June 24. His tweet read that the filing aims at NFTs, digital tokens, virtual candy, and snacks.

The application was filed on June 20 and covered software for transmitting, authenticating, and storing digital currency, NFTs, tokens, and crypto-collectibles. The brand will also offer virtual entertainment services.

In another application filed on June 17, the company has filed a trademark for its chocolate brand DOVE, covering virtual snacks & drinks, NFTs & digital tokens, software for digital currencies/tokens, crypto-collectibles, and authentication/transmission and storage of NFTs.

Trademark attorney Michael Kondoudis shared the news on Twitter:

It is to be noted that NFT Trademark Applications Filed in the United States Have Surpassed 4,000 between January 1 to May 31, 2022. The concept of NFTs and metaverse is continuously expanding, making popular brands fall for them and give their best to grab the maximum profit and establish long-term bonds with customers.For instance, other food companies like McDonald’s, Subway, and KFC have also stepped into the metaverse, intending to shift their products into the growing virtual world.